Our Story
Hello, My name is Jorge Luis Gurrola and i come from a tradition of family artisans in Tepehuacan, Mexico.
On My dad's side we were candy makers, making delicious traditional organic candies made from local plants and techniques. On my mothers side we were huarache makers. My grandpa would make huaraches for his whole family and pretty much our whole village in Durango!
A historical note, Durango is also named "Tepehuacan". Tepehuacan comes from the Nahuatl language with "Tepetl" meaning mountain and "Can" meaning place of, all together "Place of the Mountains". Tepehuacan was the land of the Tepehuanes, Huicholes, Raramuri, Mexicaneros, Cora and Zacatecos.
Tepehuacan was settled by the Spanish at the end of the 16th century by introducing Nahuas from Central Mexico, including the Tlaxcaltecos, Texcocans, Tepanecas and Mexica.
Recently i took a DNA test and not to my surprise i am 78% Indigenous/Native American from the Tepehuacan/Zacatecas region.
I invite you to try our Cactlis Huaraches, based on Mesoamerican Technology!